As mention in part 5 we need to change some files for the new motor. The Motor is 6 mm deeper than the original.

We have multiple options to get more space for the engine. First, we can lower the “basement”. Second, we could raise the “roof”. If we raise the roof, we have to change some more components because of the distances have to be the same.

The easier option is to lower the basement and this option we’ll try out here.

Extended engine chamber

With the extension of the chamber, there is a new issue. For the belt, there is only 1 mm left.

Front view 2MCC with chamber extension
Site view 2MCC with chamber extension

As a result, we could have a potential break point created. I’m confident, that the leftover material can hold the weight, but I can imagine that the motor gets quite hot and if the motor is so close to the belt it could reduce the lifetime.

This is something to bear aware of in the future. The changes files can be found in my repository.