What stands out is that according to the BOM there are 120 M5 12 mm screws needed because the total amount of all M5 nuts is 16. At the first glance seems this a bit odd.

I checked further and found more inconsistencies in this section from the BOM. I checked the 3D Model, but there are missing some nuts and screws. For example, the “Articulation 1” has some screws to hold the ball bearings, and they are missing.

Screenshot from “Articulation 1” without screws for the bearings

I don’t know if the original SolidWorks-Model has the screws and the conversion to fusion 360 has them make disappear or if they aren’t in SolidWorks-Model either. I hope the user manual is accurate.

The user manual is not accurate either. On page 28 I found this specification.

Moveo user Manuel page 28

In the pictures there are used six nuts M3, but in the table the quantity is specified with two screws. I thought O.K. I’ll alter the amount I’ve counted and add six instead of four but three pages further I found this mishap.

Moveo user Manuel page 31

Clearly we don’t need three M3 nuts, we need screws instead, and not three of them four. I cross-checked this with the 3D-Model and there are 4x M3 x 12 mm screws needed.

Now I have two options, either I could add the missing screws in the 3D-Model and export the BOM from the Model. Or I could eye bowl it because I want to finish this project, at some point I’ll eye bowl it.

Price Point: Fasteners

I purchased the fasteners by my local hardware store. I did not have a price list for every fastener, but in total I paid: €17.34

I’m confident that you can lower this by purchasing in bulk or if you have somebody that would sell you less than a package without surcharge. Unfortunately for me, this isn’t how this kind of offer in hardware stores works.


This is the fasteners BOM I’ll use. I’ll see in the feature where it will take me.
This BOM is hosted by GitHub even if I’ll not update the text inside the post I’ll update the BOM there.

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Next part 5: BOM 3D printed parts